tisdag 15 mars 2011

Vår med SOG, igen..

När jag satt igår och gjorde mitt vårkort till SOGs utmaning så hade jag lite svårt att sluta när kortet var färdigt. Så det blev ett till.

Flower Girl Mae, SomeOddGirl

After I finished my card with inspiration from spring yesterday I just kept on going. I just love the new images from SomeOddGirls. Don't you?

10 kommentarer:

Åsa aká Scraphorse sa...

Men åååh vad fint! Att ha motivet på en tag var ju riktigt snyggt! Måste prövas... ;0)

Färgläggningen är super!

Sarah Mullanix sa...

super cute, thanks for joining in the spring challenge at Some Odd Girl!!

Sarah Rice sa...

gorgeous colors! and I love the texture!

thanks for playing with us at some odd girl

Robin McK sa...

Beautiful card! Lovely colours, and thanks for playing with us ODDies this week!

Unknown sa...

Another gorgeous card, thanks for playing along with us again on Some Odd Girl.

Zarah sa...

Men duuuu... Hur ljuvligt får ett kort lov att bli?! Jag blir käääär! :D

Alberto sa...

hi sweetie
OMG!!! this card is stunning, really love it!
very pretty image and the flowers soooo sweet!

hugs, ALbert

Anonym sa...

Sooooo gorgeous! I love how you made her look so tan and lovely! Thanks so much for being Odd with us x2!

Leah l'Orange sa...

warm, happy colours, and a GORGEOUS Some Odd Girl image! you rocked this! thanks for joining the Odd Girls! xo

Kellie sa...

WOW the colouring of this is just absolutely amazing and so spring! Thank you for joining us at Some ODD Girl Chalelnges!
